Give In Honor of Mickey
Double Your Impact
Give In Honor of Mickey ⁎ Double Your Impact ⁎
Everyone remembers their first lesson pony. These incredible teachers open the door to a world of adventure, trust, and love. For hundreds of children at Montanova Stables Foundation (MSF), that pony was Mickey.
Standing just under four feet high, Mickey captured the hearts and minds of children and adults alike. He spent more than 25 years teaching under MSF Executive Director’s Jennifer Goddard Jones’ careful tutelage. From after-school programming to summer camp to Halloween parades, there was simply nothing that Mickey could not do.
In his later years, Mickey developed chronic laminitis. This is the same incurable, painful hoof disease that led to the humane euthanasia of Secretariat at only 19 years of age–just one month after the infamous “Big Red” was first diagnosed. Thanks to incredible veterinary care and holistic health support from Jennifer and the staff, the MSF community enjoyed more than four and a half years of Mickey’s company after his initial diagnosis. It was during these final years that Mickey made one of his best friends of all–George Payne.
George and Mickey were instant friends, spending countless nights walking the fields of MSF together. Every person and animal in the barn knew exactly when George arrived because Mickey saved his trademark whinny for George. His ongoing treatment helped ensure comfort and quality of life, and he even made a triumphant return to the lesson ring for a time, with George proudly cheering him on. On June 18, 2024, Mickey passed with dignity and peace, surrounded by those he loved most.
In this incredible pony’s honor and memory, George has agreed to establish “The Mickey Fund” within MSF. This designated giving fund will provide dedicated care for lesson horses and ponies just like Mickey and help ensure their “happily ever afters” by maintaining a dignified quality of life.
George has pledged to match up to $25,000 in charitable contributions for The Mickey Fund! Your donation will now have double the impact, helping us provide essential health and wellness care to our beloved lesson ponies and horses. To make a donation in honor of Mickey–or any pony that has changed the course of your life:
We use the Zeffy platform for donations because it does not charge us transaction fees and automatically generates a tax receipt for you. But if you prefer to donate via check or Venmo, that’s great, too!
Please add a note that says “The Mickey Fund”
🐴 Venmo: @MontanovaStablesFoundation
🐴 Check payable to Jennifer Jones; mail to: PO Box 704 Keswick, VA 22947